I manage a charity for vulnerable adults and provide safeguarding training for staff. Is Level 3 a suitable place to start? Do I have to complete Safeguarding Adults Level 1 and Level 2 courses first?

Safeguarding vulnerable adults at risk training courses range from Level 1 (awareness courses), Level 2 (intermediate courses) and Level 3 (advanced courses).

Safeguarding adults courses range from Level 1 up to Level 5. Each of the safeguarding courses has different learning outcomes, ranging from basic awareness for junior staff to advanced courses for those in senior positions.

We highly recommend that all learners must complete the pre-requisites (for example, Safeguarding Adults Levels 1 and 2) before they complete the Safeguarding Adults Levels 3 course.

Click on the links below to see our online safeguarding adults training courses:

Safeguarding Adults - Level 1 - Online Course - CPD Accredited.

Safeguarding Adults - Level 2 - Online Course - CPD Accredited.

Safeguarding Adults - Level 3 - Online Course - CPD Accredited.

Train the trainer courses

Those who have responsibilities to train others must complete higher-level safeguarding adults and acceptable train the trainer courses. 

Click here to find out more about our health and social care train the trainer courses.

Who are safeguarding adults training courses for?

See below the UK Core Skills Training Framework (CSTF) guidance for Safeguarding Adults training courses:

  • Level 1: All staff working in health care settings
  • Level 2: All practitioners who have regular contact with patients, their families or carers, or the public.
  • Level 3: Registered health care staff who engage in assessing, planning, intervening and evaluating the needs of adults where there are safeguarding concerns (as appropriate to role).

Click here to find out more about Safeguarding Adults learning outcomes (Levels 1, 2 and 3).

Safeguarding Children Level 4 and Level 5

The training standards and learning outcomes at Level 4 (Named professionals) and Level 5 (Designated professionals) and requirements for Health Board Executives and non-executive directors/members are set out in the Adult Safeguarding: Roles and Competencies for Health Care Staff (2018).

Click here to return to the Mandatory Training Group website.

I manage a charity for vulnerable adults and provide safeguarding training for staff - Is Level 3 a suitable place to start - Do I have to complete Safeguarding Adults Level 1 and Level 2 courses -


Accredited Providers of Online Courses, Programmes & Qualifications.

Click here to see our online training courses, programmes and qualifications.

I manage a charity for vulnerable adults and provide safeguarding training for staff. Is Level 3 a suitable place to start? Do I have to complete Safeguarding Adults Level 1 and Level 2 courses first?