Does the course expire? How long will I have access to the course materials and assessments?

When you get assigned to the training course, you will have 365 days of unlimited access to the training materials, activities and the end of course assessment for no extra charge.

  • Learners will have access to learning materials and assessments for 365 days.
  • There is no time limit of completion and submission within those 365 days (1 year) for a course/package assigned.
  • The countdown will start from the day of allocation. 

If you are buying course credits for your organisation, you can request for extended access to the course(s) from our Support Team.

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Is there a time limit between purchase and completion and or submission of completed course -


Accredited Providers of Online Courses, Programmes & Qualifications.

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Is there a time limit between purchase and completion and/or submission of completed course?